General Meeting Minutes for 2021  

  Grand Island Lions General Meeting
January 13, 2021

 Attendance:   12 in attendance Paul Krupa, Anne Fahning, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Anne Ryan, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Kelly McGarvey, Dave Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee
Lion President Paul Krupa called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM Pledge: Tom Witkowski, Paul Bassette; prayer.
 Committee Reports:
Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:
 $1065 funds in memory of Lion Annette to be submitted to LCIF, Motion to transfer funds Paul Bassette, Seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor.
Lion Bev Kinney was dropped from the roster; however, she will have 12 months to rejoin.
We received notification from the Bermuda Lions this allows us for a Melvin Jones.
Thank you from Jerico Road
Thank you from Hank Kammerer, GI Neighbors Foundation Christmas food donation
MOW: Lion Tom Digati:  second and fourth Friday of the month, volunteers are set for the month of January. Lion Tom D will work with Jen Mentor to fill out the schedule for the rest of the year.
Neighbors Foundation and Bottles and Cans: Lion Tom Rusert Lion Tom gave paperwork to Lion Tom W to set up for direct deposit from Bottle Junction. This may be done monthly. Neighbors foundation donation. Our club was publicly thanked for donations.
Spaghetti Dinner: ideas
we could do a pick up perhaps at the Viking Diner. Blackberry’s? Lion Dick will talk to Chris Polizzi owner of the Viking Diner.  Lion Dick will report at the next meeting.
 postpone the Spaghetti Dinner until the Fall. Or
do both drive in or Spring and regular in the Fall. 
We can sell tickets beforehand so that we know how many dinners ahead of time.
Special Kids Picnic: Lion Paul Krupa picked up the information from Lion Henry. Lion Annette was very organized.  We are still unsure if this event will take place depending on the status of Covid and social protocols. We need a committee or a point person to coordinate. Lion Paul K will look over the files to see what jobs need to done, this will be reported on the next meeting.
Lion Ashley will be the point person for the school.
Lion Anne Fahning will coordinate the boats
Lion Tom Witkowski animals and main tent

 Dr. Ann Stadelmaier hearing aid fund request.  We have the $240 in the budget for this.
Discussion on members who have not paid their dues to be dropped from the roster. 
 Old Business
 Signage for the signs on either end of Grand Island, this had been put on hold, but will resume in the spring.
 New Business:
Girl Scouts request: A badge and a Box program, request for the purchase of a kit. This will be deferred to the board for a vote.  Lion Tom can scan the paper and get it out to the membership to review and vote on the next meeting.
 Lion Paul B: Does the club have money to cover the Uplinger award? Lion Tom W; Yes. Lion Paul will be moving on this to meet with the committee to nominate a person/group for this award.
 Lion Dave: request to migrate the website off of Isle de Grande. They have hosted our server for the webpage and are no longer able to do this.  Lion Dave has looked into. “Go Daddy”.  The name has been taken we need to change the domain name or it will cost us $100 or new domain name will be $20/yr.  Lion Dave will look into the particulars. Lion Aaron Day may offer some assistance in this. The cost of this is in the budget.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom W seconded by Lion Tom D; Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
February 10, 2021

Attendance:   12 in attendance Anne Fahning, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Tom Witkowski, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Bob Goulding, Kim Pressley, Ann Ryan, Jim Ryan, Donna Lavallee.

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Kim Pressley called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM Pledge: Tom Witkowski, Paul Bassette; prayer. We had a moment of silence for Lion Dan Morabito. Prayers to the Morabito family and for Jane Chervinsky.

Motion to approve the minutes from January, Tom Witkowski, seconded Paul Bassette, all in favor.

Question regarding payment to the Ann Stadelmaier hearing aid fund for the approved hearing aid.  Lion Donna will contact PDG Tom Reinagel to make sure that it is sent to the proper address. There will be another request for a hearing aid in the upcoming future.
Committee Reports:
? Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:  Welfare account $2692.27, General account $8138.74, all bills have been paid.
? Correspondence: Thank you cards from
? Library
? Excalibur
? Young Life
? Request for donation to Gliding Stars Motion of a $100 donation to Gliding Stars by Dick Crawford, seconded by Paul Bassette, all in favor.
? Motion to accept the treasurers reports, Paul B, seconded by Dick Crawford, all in favor.
? Spaghetti Dinner: Dick spoke to Chris Polizzi to organize a spaghetti dinner pick up at the Viking Diner, options have not been totally explored, options are for use of his kitchen and do a drive through pick up, we need to have a commitment from each Lion to sell 10 tickets. Set a target of 300 dinners.
? We could also run a small basket raffle and a 50/50, use Viking Diner as an assembly and pick-up point.
? Sponsor card as opposed to placemats.
? Lion Dick will continue to work on this.  He will contact Tops for a donation.
? Lion Tom will look into setting up ordering dinners through social media.
? Dinner is tentative set for April 26, 2021.
? The club was publicly thanked in the School District newsletter for help with funding and work on the new Sidway playground. 
Eyeglass collection boxes will be taken over by Kim under the guidance of Lion Bob. Lion Tom Witkowski will look out who we send the glasses to. Lion Donna has 3 collection boxes that she will drop off at Lion Kim’s house.
? Lion Anne will take over the Sunshine Club focusing on our club.

? Special Kids Picnic: Lion Shelia will coordinate the efforts this year.
? Lion Ashley will be the point person for the school.
? Lion Anne Fahning will coordinate the boats
? Lion Tom Witkowski animals and main tent
? Lion Donna will coordinate the food distribution

Old Business
Girl Scouts request: A badge and a Box program, request for the purchase of a kit. This may not be in our bailiwick, so we will not donate at this time.

New Business:

? Fundraiser idea:
Nostalgic trip down memory lane “Crystal Beach suckers 3/$10

? Food drive for Neighbors Foundation, ask people who come to the Spaghettis Dinner to drop off a non-perishable food item. We will plan on promoting this.

? MOW Lion Tom D
There was a request from Jen at the Golden age center for adding a 3 route.  We currently host the first and second Fridays of the month.  The first Friday of the month is covered by Lion Tom and Lion Kim.  Lion Anne and Lion Dave for the third Friday.  Lion Ashley and Lion Tom will cover March 19. Lion Tom will send out emails for volunteers.
? Diabetes awareness, this should be put on hold and revisit this post COVID-19 19.  LCIF does have a public service announcement that we could post on our webpage and social media.  Lion Tom will study the possibility of a grant through LCIF.
? Loan closet is full, we are in need of nothing, if we continue to get donations we may need to do another clean out in May. Lion Donna will post again Next-door website, and other Grand Island Facebook pages.

Motion to adjourn Lion Kim P seconded by Lion Anne F; Meeting adjourned at 7:47PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
March 10, 2021

Attendance:   11 in attendance Paul Krupa Anne Fahning, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Tom Witkowski, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert,, Donna Lavallee, guest Catherine Shick from the FeedMore of WNY

Meeting was called to order by President Paul Krupa at 6:35 PM Pledge: Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford; prayer. Lion Paul introduced guest Catherine Shick from FeedMore of WNY.

Presentation:  Catherine Shick from FeedMore of WNY. Catherine reviewed the history of FeedMore WNY which is the merge between the Food bank of WNY and Meals on Wheels of WNY occurred on 2/27/2019.  Programs serve the counties of Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie and Niagara. There are Children’s feeding programs, Backpack programs providing food for school age children, food pantries for HS and college age individuals¸ meals for those housebound, nutrition education, animal companion food, baby needs including diapers, wipes and formula. During the Covid 19 pandemic there has been a significant increase in need.  The need has increased by 41% in the past year. We could do a food drive or diaper drive through FeedMore of WNY, they would provide barrels and posters. Questions and comments were shared.

Review of the meeting minutes from 2/10/21 meeting, motion to approve, Lion Anne, Seconded for Lion Kelly, all in favor.

Committee Reports:
? Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:  Welfare account $2417.27, outstanding 2/18 check for Peace Poster, we should balance this out. General account. $8138.74, all bills have been paid. Motion to approve Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor.
? Correspondence: Thank you cards from
? MJF- Melvin Jones Fellowship in honor of Lion Annette
? Gliding Stars
? Invitation to participate in Earth day clean up from Niagara River Greenway Commission, clean up for West River Rd.
? Lion Dick, there will be a cleanup on April 24 that will be a community wide clean up, our club will do the area we have cleaned before; Viking Diner to Webb Rd.
? Zoom cabinet meeting:  Lion Tom: highlights, speakers PDG Tony Paradiso, spoke of a challenge for Lions Club to reimagine and reinvent ourselves during the pandemic, reaching out to people and organizations in need. Brandel Murphy Youth Foundations, we need to reach out to community leaders to see where the most need is. Membership satisfaction as to what the club is doing or could be doing from each club’s membership.  International speaker addressed dues increase of $3 affective in the coming years, up for a vote in the future. Kelly Clark: spoke about Diabetic awareness.
? Spaghetti Dinner: Dick spoke to Mike Mayo, manager at Tops, Tops will once again donate to our fundraiser. Lion Dick will meet Chris Polizzi to discuss the mechanics of how the dinner

would flow and what we need to do. Question: Should we get paper tickets or should we do this all online through social media.  Lion Tom has spoken to Lion Aaron Day and we will tie into a group called Commit change to set up online tickets.  Lion Tom will organize this ASAP. If people want tickets they can mail us a check, however, we also need a social presence to order tickets online, tickets need to be capped at a certain number of dinners.  Lion Dick will discuss this with Chris Polizzi tomorrow.  Suggestion to cap the number of dinners at 300 or at the max 350.  This is will be finalized soon. Assembly of salads and dinner.  We will have youth volunteers, Young Life and Cheryl Chamberlain’ students from the High School.  Things like traffic control, exit and enter from the north and south with cones and vests for traffic flow.  Side for 2 baskets, liquor and wine basket and lottery card basket and 50/50 raffle.  We will have another meeting as needed.  Tickets will be $8 for adults and $5 for children. Lion Tom will arrange for meatballs, Lion Tom D will contact John’s Pizza. We will need to go to the loan closet to see what we need for the Spaghetti Dinner.  The signs will need to be changed to reflect the change the location to the Viking Diner. Signage will be changed if needed.
? Dinner is set for Monday April 26, 2021.
? The community center can be rented out $20/hour which is an opportunity for future meetings in person. Lion Dick will firm this up with Joe Mentor for the next meeting on April 14, 2021.
? Loan closet is full: if someone has something for us; gratefully decline.
? Check for Young Life for their virtual banquet is needed. Lion Tom will send $150.
? Memorial donations for Lion Annette will be honored within our club.
? Email from zone chair Paul Smith to see how the district can help our club. Lion Paul will put out a request for a zoom meeting.

Request for funding: VIA: Visually Impaired Association is in budget.  Braille group, $150 in budget. Jericho Road money for promoting the distribution of vaccine for Covid 19. Motion: Lion Dick $100 to Jericho Rd, seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor, motion passed.

Updating Website: WIX, Lion Aaron Day recommended we look at this for a new website as we are not using Isle de Grande. Check out Lockport Lions club. Lion Aaron would help us set this up for $400. We need to upgrade our website; this discussion will be revisited after the Spaghetti Dinner.

Old Business
Lion Tom took about 100 lbs. of food to Neighbors Foundation.

New Business:

? KOC would like to promote events on our website and vice versa.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom W seconded by Lion Tom R; Meeting adjourned at 8 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Meeting minutes 4.14.21 by Zoom

6:45 call to order
9 in attendance: Paul Krupa, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Donna Lavallee
Pledge -Anne F
Prayer= Paul B
Minutes of last meeting were approved
Treasurer Lion Tom W presented his report. Motion to accept by Anne F, seconded by Paul K.
  and unanimously approved.
Lion Kelly read request from Camp Badger to purchase lottery tickets, Cost $50. Ten prizes of $1,000 each with the drawing on Labor Day. Referred to BOD.
Lion Anne announced that 15 members have already contributed to the basket raffle totaling $515. Many thanks to them.
Lion Kelly will contact members to determine a schedule of workers for the Spaghetti Dinner.
Sunshine chair, Anne F will send a sympathy card to Lion Gloria who recently lost her Mother       and to Lions Tom and Ashley who are recovering from covid 19
Correspondence: Thank you from Hearing Evaluation Services for payment for hearing aid for Mary W.
Spaghetti Dinner: road signs are up, the link to purchase tickets is difficult to navigate, this could use some work. Lion Dick will check with Lion Tom D regarding meatballs, we will sell 300 pre-paid meals.  Kelly will send a reminder email.
Fundraising ideas: Golf Tournament or Frisbee Golf Tournament
Upcoming meetings: Lion Paul B Peace poster meeting is usually in May he suggests we postpone to Sept or October and recognize 2 years of winners
Installation Dinner June 9
Scholarship: Lion Paul B: committee will meet in May
Earth Day cleanup is April 24, many groups are participating we will clean the route that we did last year, Viking Diner to Webb Rd.
Old Business: none
New Business: Discussion on donation to Empire State Special Needs Experience for Lions Camp Badger Super Raffle tickets, motion: Lion Anne donate $100 to empire state special needs experience, seconded by Lion Dock, all in favor.
Lion Tom W: dues are due by June 1 they are $75
Lion Tom would like to set up a members only
Facebook page with the help of Aaron Day.
Special Kids Picnic: still unsure if it will occur this year Shelia Ferrentino will chair
The thank you letter to the community after the spaghetti dinner will mention all of the community projects and functions that Lions support; eyeglasses, vision screening, hearing aids, loan closet, Neighbors Foundations, Trinity Food Bank, Family Justice Center
We will do a Diaper Drive for Feedmore WNY
Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM
Submitted by: Anne Fahning and Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
April 28, 2021

Attendance:   9 in attendance Paul Krupa Anne Fahning, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert,, Donna Lavallee

Meeting was called to order by President Paul Krupa at 6:40 PM Pledge: Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford; prayer.

Review of the meeting minutes from 4/10/21 meeting was not yet available for review.

Committee Reports:
? Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:  Welfare account $2417.27, outstanding 2/18 check for Peace Poster, we should balance this out. General account. $8138.74, all bills have been paid. Motion to approve Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Donna
? Correspondence: Reminder for members to pay their dues. Can the club set up a Venmo account? We may look into that. No other mail.
? Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Paul K. Wonderful response from the community.  Great effort by the committee and the team.  What could we change:
? Frustrations that the numbers of payers and envelopes sometimes did not jive, however, there were no delays.
? We could count the containers, so that we know what we served.
? We could have sold more dinners, at least 40 more.
? Do not make one person the point person for last minute dinners.
? Both drive through and sit down. KOC can accommodate 150, however, that does not allow for serving stations, basket raffle inside the bar.
? Parking may be a problem
? The runners did well
? Bottle neck with the basket raffle station
? We should keep our ears out for community feedback
? MOW: Lion Tom Digati: going smoothly but we need more volunteers for May 7 and May and May 21.  Lion Tom will send out an email for volunteers.  There are 3 routes.
? SKP: Lion Ashley reached out to the school district head to see what their response will be.  We should also speak to the launch club to see if they will allow us to host the picnic.
? Nominations for the next officers and board of directors.  Any other nominations from the floor, none.  Discussion:  Could the president serve for 2 years?  This would be change to the bylaws, should we consider this?  Would this discourage people from serving in that role?  Lion Tom W: Motion that the slate of nominees be accepted, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor.  The names will be sent to the club from the corresponding sec
          There are 3 meetings left.  It would be nice to have the installation dinner in person at the BLC.  An email will be sent to see if the remainder of the club feels comfortable to meet in person.  Lion Anne will call the Launch Club.  She will ask to see if we can host the SKP and installation dinner.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee                       


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
May 12, 2021

Attendance:   10 in attendance Paul Krupa, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee

Meeting was called to order by President Paul Krupa at 6:55 PM Pledge: Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette; prayer.

Motion to approve the minutes from the 4/28/21, Lion Henry, seconded by: Lion Dave, minutes approved.

Committee Reports:
? Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:  Welfare account $7726.44, 3 outstanding checks, net $7372.32. General account. $8920.24. Spaghetti dinner net income $4317.39 with a few outstanding bills.  Motion to approve Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor.
? Correspondence: All thank you letters went out to Spaghetti dinner sponsors on May 4.
? Invitation to Camp Badger Golf classic tournament 8/14/21 Wellsville Country Club, single golfers are $85, foursome $340.
? Excalibur request for donation, but money was sent and in the budget
? Invitations to the virtual Convention that is this weekend May 15, 2021
? Annual dues, $75 to be paid by June 1, 2021
? Spaghetti Dinner: 
? Final tally: approximately 310 dinners served sold around 325 dinners. Net income $4317.39.  A great success, we could have sold more dinners.
? MOW: Lion Tom Digati: will update everyone via email
? SKP: Lion Ashley via email spoke with my director for Erie 1 BOCES and he has some concerns about the picnic.  He said that if it can be done safely and within all guidelines, he’d be ok with it, but then we would also have to limit how many students would be able to attend due to how many we can fit in a bus within guidelines.  The Williamsville summer school site has already decided they will not be attending and I have not yet heard from the Maryvale site.  West Seneca is interested and they may just send students ages 6-10 to limit the number, but it’s still a lot of students!  They would like to know if we would be willing to come out to their site and bring along snacks, music, face painting, popcorn, etc.
? Lion Anne spoke to the BLC limitations for outside event is at 500 following current protocol
? Neighbors’ foundation:  last drop off was 80lbs and they need donations the cupboards are bare.
? Scholarship committee: Met May 4, 2021, Henry, Donna, Mark and Paul B.  We had four applications and 2 applications for the outstanding character award.
? Sara Dodge: $1500 and $500 Morgan Proctor The character award Ashley Maras $500.  We have a question of declining applications.  The guidance office said that the overall applications are down about 100 overall.
? Perhaps our club could sponsor 2 service projects and offer it at them high school, promoting service and Lionism
? Melvin Jones and Uplinger awards: Paul Bassette These will be awarded at the Installation Dinner.

Installation Dinner: Lion Anne called the BLC June 9, 2021, no meeting at the bar and we can have 30 people in the room. Covid protocols, 10 people to a table. Dinner cost approximate $30. Is it possible that the Installation be done by DG or PDG, Lion Tom W will inquire.  We need a count by next meeting. 6:30, cocktails and meeting. Lion Dick will help with the program.
? Peace Poster: Paul Bassette. Winners will be acknowledged at a meeting in the Fall, last years and this year’s winners. Request to purchase a kit for next years. Motion: Lion Paul B that we continue PP contest and that we order a kit, seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor.

NEW business
 Member’s picnic: July 17 at Fanning’s from 4-8:30 pre pay only

? Lion Anne: Opportunity for recruiting: we have a nice list of email contacts through Commit Change that may be a good way to thank supporters and perhaps recruit new members.
? Next meeting at the Community Center.
? Installation dinner at BLC on June 9, 2021 at 6:30 PM
? Split club:  $6 in the split club, Mark Frenzel, Norm Hahn, Kelly McGarvey, silver nugget, the split club continues
? Lion Tom R: next meeting, pot luck, Lion Tom will bring German potato salad, Lion Paul K, pulled pork, Lion Dick rolls, Lion Anne salad, Lion Kelly Relish tray, Lion Dave cheese cake, Lion Henry Deviled eggs, Lion Donna: pasta salad
? Loan Closet:  Lion Dick and Lion Tom cleaned out the loan closet today we have an excess of supplies.
? Motion to adjourn:  Lion Dick, seconded Lion Tom W, meeting adjourned 7:45 PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee



Grand Island Lion General Meeting
May 26, 2021

Attendance:   13 in attendance Paul Krupa, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Dave Chevinsky, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Jim Ryan, Tom Rusert, Bob Goulding, Kim Pressley, Anne Ryan, Donna Lavallee

Meeting was called to order by President Paul Krupa at 6:35 PM Pledge: Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford; prayer.

Motion to approve the minutes from the 5/26/21, Lion Dave, seconded by: Lion Anne, minutes approved.

Committee Reports:
? Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:  Welfare account $7980.78.  There are   4 outstanding checks, net $7475.94. General account. $9482.74 one outstanding check, net $9436.74. Spaghetti dinner net income $3963.05. Motion to approve: Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Henry, motion approved.
? Correspondence: A $250 donation in honor of Lion Annette from her friend in Rochester, Anne Church, she would like the monies toward the Special Kids Picnic next year.
? Annual dues, $75 to be paid by June 1, 2021, there are 6 people that owe dues.  Gloria Wise is not rejoining this year due to family obligations.
? Neighbors foundation:  Lion Tom R; Please get items to Lion Tom and he will drop off next week. A contribution for the neighbors foundation will be held at the Installation Dinner.
? Bottle return: Cash was paid out to someone that we do not know.  We did set up direct deposit.  Due to disorganization; people should cash out and bring money to meetings.  Lion Dave will put something in the newsletter for members to cash out for the time being and bring the funds to the club.
? MOW: Volunteers who would like to deliver, contact Lion Tom Digati if you are able to participate.
? Installation Dinner: Lion Anne: The dinner is at the BLC June 9, 2021, cost for the meal is $26, with a vegetarian option available. Reservations to be called into Lion Anne.  Lion Anne will get a head count. There are 7 guests, PDG Ken Butkowski and his wife, Zone chair and Paul Smith and PDG Donna Smith.  Melvin Jones: 3 guests.  6:00 PM cocktails, dinner 7, followed by meeting.
? LCI: International convention in Montreal is going to be virtual. Started 5/26/21. Lion Jim Ryan is a delegate.
? Members Picnic: Lion Paul Krupa. Venmo or pay in advance.  Lion Paul will find a caterer. Bring a bottle to share and an appetizer or dessert. July 24, 2021 which is a change from the original date on 7/17/21.  Meet at 4 PM cocktails at the dock 4-5 PM. Leave dock at 5 PM have dinner and drinks on the boat.
? Eyeglasses: Lion Bob and Lion Kim: Still collecting in basement, however, no one is taking them at this time. Glasses can be sent to a center in North Carolina, but no cases, address to be provided by Lion Jim Ryan.

OLD business: We need to replace the signs at the entrance to the island. The town is looking at perhaps totally replacing all signs from organizations at the same time.
NEW business

? Lion Kim:  asking about training at the district level or online for serving as president.  Lion Jim Ryan has also done the training and would be happy to help.
? Members picnic: July 24 at Fanning’s from 4-8:30 pre pay only
? NYS Convention in Syracuse:  Lion Tom W: virtual convention. LCIF meeting, Lion Tom answered questions on the grant writing he did for Miracle League. All Lions are invited to donate to LCIF.  Training seminars: technical problems with some. Memorial service, very touching Lion Annette and Lion Dan Morabito as well as PDG Bob Shively. Doug Alexander is the next International President. The state convention will be in Niagara Falls, NY in 2022.
? Next meeting: Installation dinner at BLC on June 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM, dinner at 7 PM
? Split club:  $13 in the split club, Dave Chervinsky, silver nugget, the split club continues.
? Miracle League was vandalized and they are looking for funding. Do they have insurance? We will look into that possibility before we make a decision to donate.  The organization was supposed to put $10k a year in escrow for replacement of the field, to date that has not happened.
? July 4th parade? The parade will be on July 3, 2021. Lion Donna will fill out the application. Motion to participate, Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor.  Lion Costume is in the Loan Closet.
? Lion Dick will reserve the Community room for September and October.  Lion Dick says the maximum total for a year is $100, he will pay the remainder and submit to bill to Lion Tom.
? Motion to adjourn:  Lion Tom W, seconded Lion Kelly, meeting adjourned 7:54 PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lion General Meeting
Installation of Officers June 9, 2021

Attendance:   30 in attendance Paul Krupa, Judy Krupa, Anne Fahning, Bob Fahning, Henry Lobl, Dave Chevinsky, Bob Goulding, Kim Pressley, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Tom Witkowski, Diana Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Marla Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Jim McGarvey, Jim Ryan, Tom Rusert, Peggy Rusert, Norm Hahn, Anne Ryan, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee, Ken Butkowski, Kelly Butkowski, Jim Smith, Donna Smith, Nicole Gerber, Dave Reilly

Meeting was called to order by President Paul Krupa at 6: PM Pledge: Anne Fahning, Patriot song, Lion Tom Rusert, Invocation: Lion Paul Bassette

Motion to approve the minutes from the 5/26/21, Lion Dave, seconded by: Lion Anne, minutes approved.

Presidents Message: Lion Paul Krupa
Presentation of Gifts: Lion Anne Fahning to Paul Krupa and Lion Tom Witkowski recognizing Anne Fahning as club President in 2019-2020.
2020-2021 Attendance Awards: Lion Kelly McGarvey
Milestone awards: Robert Christman  35 years, Dave Chervinsky  20 years, Donna Lavallee 15 years, Anne Ryan 15 years

Annual attendance awards 2020-2021  Members who have accrued 30 points during the year from attending meetings and participating in club activities. Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Ashley Digati, Tom Digati, Anne Fahning, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee, Henry Lobl, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert, Anne Ryan, Tom Witkowski

Installation of Officers and Directors: Lion PCC Ken Butkowski
 President: Kimberly Pressley
 First Vice President: Richard Crawford
 Treasurer: Tom Witkowski
 Corresponding Secretary: Kelly McGarvey
 Recording Secretary: Donna Lavallee
 Tail Twister: Ashley and Tom Digati
 Lion Tamer: Ashley and Tom Digati
 Director 2 years: Anne Fahning
 Director 2 years: Henry Lobl
 Director 1 year: Tom Rusert
 Director 1 year: Anne Ryan
 Membership Chair: Richard Crawford
 Immediate past President: Paul Krupa

President elect Kim Pressley: comments to the club

Robert Uplinger Award: Presented by Lion Paul Bassette and Lion Shelia Ferrentino.  This years award goes to Lion Kelly McGarvey!

Melvin Jones: Presented by Lion Paul Bassette and Lion Tom Witkowski:  This year’s award was presented to Nicole Gerber.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 08, 2021

Attendance: 10 Kim Pressley, Paul Krupa, Kelly
McGarvey, Henry Lobl, Ashley Digati, Tom
Rusert, Anne Fahning, Dave Chervinsky, Dick
Crawford, Donna Lavallee
The meeting was called to order by LP Kim
called the meeting to order at 6:59 PM.
Pledge led by Lion Paul K, Patriotic song: Lion
Anne Lions Prayer, Lion Dick
Treasurers Report: The treasurers report was
distributed via email. The balances for the general
and welfare accounts were reviewed. All
members received a copy of the report via email.
Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Tom R,
seconded by Lion Ashley, motion passed.
White Cane: Lion Ann coordinated a super
successful white cane fundraiser; we raised the
most money ever. Many positive comments from
the community. Changes next year could be a
collection site on the corner of Long and GI
Blvd, the Staley/Stony Point corner is always
very successful.
Eyeglass collection: Lion Kim dropped off
400 pairs of glasses to Walmart who have been
starting to be a collection site once again. She
has approximately 200 more pairs of glasses,
Members can drop off additional glasses at Lion
Kim’s house
Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly: Request
for monetary donation from Seeds of Love,
this is a line item in the budget and will be forwarded
to Lion Tom W. Thank you; from “The
Pathways of Visual Impaired” (previously the
Olmstead Center) for donation. Thank you and
monetary donation from The Koppmann family
for the loan of a wheelchair.
Diamond Centennial award to Dave Chervinsky
sponsoring Adrienne Cassata, a continued member
for 3 years.
Committee Chairpersons: These are listed in the new
members directory. Additional chair positions are as follows:
Lion Donna will continue to do the July 4th parade,
Donna; Hearing aids.
Christmas Party: Lion Kelly.
Lions Directory: Lion Dave
Member chairperson: Lion Dick, members who
want to participate will contribute $5 for the
Publicity: Dave, Tom W and Shelia, however,
every chairperson is part of the publicity
SKP: Lion Shelia?? Lion Kim will check.
Programs: TBD
Meeting calls: Lion Danielle
Neighbors Donation: Lion Tom R: Still collecting and
dropping off on behalf of the club. This community
outreach will continue throughout the year.
Next meeting is: Community Center The program will
be on; Health effects of the Tonawanda Coke
Plant speaker from the University of Buffalo.
New Business:
Upcoming meetings: Our next meeting on 9/22 Community
center speaker arranged.
October 13: Community Center, Lion Dick will check to
see if the room is available, we need a program
October 27: Lion Paul Peace Poster winners, Lion Dick
will check for availability of Community room.
Spaghetti Dinner was a success at the KOC as a takeout
we could do this again with the possibility reserved
sit down.
Next meeting Community Room 9/22 at 6:30 PM.
Lion Anne, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Paul
meeting adjourned. 8:10 PM.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Meeting on Sept. 22, 2021

6:40 meeting called to order
Attendees: Paul B, Dave C, Dick C, T. Digati, Anne F, Shelia
F, Bob G, Paul K, Kelly M, Kim P, T. Rusert and Tom W (12)
Treasurer Report: No questions regarding report. Motion by
Paul B to approve, 2nd by Bob G. Approved by all.
Correspondence: Read a Thank You note from our member
Bob Goulding along with a $50 donation for the use of equipment
from our club’s Loan Closet.
President Kim announced she now has a new email. Was
given to the club and Dave C will update roster.
Bob Goulding gave an update on Lions Eyeglasses collection:
Walmart now accepting glasses. NOT accepting sunglasses or
cases. Kim P still collecting and sorting until someone volunteers
to take over. It was suggested to put a list of all G.I. locations
that community can drop off glasses. Also, include that
we accept hearing aids and batteries. Dave C going to put this
article together for Dispatch and our webpage and Grander
Ideas Facebook page.
Dick C suggested that a picture of some members with equipment
(wheelchair, commode, canes) be also put in the Dispatch
so community aware of what we have to loan out and accept to
loan closet.
Peace Poster – Paul B couldn’t do the 1st November meeting to
host last year’s winners and Oct 27th meeting several members
not able to attend it was decided that our club will host all 4 winners
and their parents (last year winners and this year’s winners)
in Spring of 2022.
Membership: Discussed calling all members and asking questions
as to what we can do to help members get more involved
in the club, such as different hours for meetings, having just
meetings no meals cost involved, more meetings with potluck
brought in by members, or other ideas.
Tom W indicated that bottle redemption funds for our club was
currently at $126.00 as of 9/22/2021. Tom W said no check
received yet but would look into receiving those club funds.
Shelia F asked about membership contest. Was reviewed and
members started to pay the $5.00 to participate in the contest.
Presentation by Dr. Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter who is an Associate
Professor & Director of Community Translational Research
in the Dept. of Family Medicine at the Jacobs School of
Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. She is a co-investigator on
the Environmental Health Study for WNY and leads the Community
Engagement team. They are in a 10-year study regarding
the effects of the Tonawanda Coke Plant to the surrounding
areas and to create a well-informed community.
Dick C will be sending a link to all members to vote on funding
sources that we may want to see
Split Club – Pot of $19.00 to winner, Paul B selected the gold
nugget and won the pot. Lion Paul donated his winnings to the
Neighbors Foundation.
Tail Twister ask “Back on September 22 “in what year “was the
first American powered car in Springville, Mass? No one answered
the correct year of “1893”.
Oct. 13th meeting will be at the Mallwitz’s Bowling Alley at 6:30
pm. Come to bowl and brainstorm on “Ideas to involve more
of our members and increase our membership” (See Membership
on pg 1)
Oct. 27th meeting will be at the Nike Base – Potluck. Start
time will be 6:30 pm as we have adjourn by 8:45 pm! Kim P
will send out a list of what people have volunteered to bring to
that meeting.
Dick C has a call into the Chamber regarding our two Lion
round metal signs at each end of the island.
Tom W opened up the floor to discuss the Buffalo United for
Afghan Evacuees (BUFAE) Asked if any questions regarding
the email he sent out on 9/19/2021 asking the club make a
$500 donation. Motion was made and approved by all for this
$500 donation. Shelia suggested would be great to hear from
a refugee themselves to speak to our club about their journey.
Tom W will reach out to Jericho Road Community to see if that
is a possibility.
Motion to adjourn 1st by Bob G. and 2nd by Anne F.
Submitted by Lion Kelly McGarvey


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 13, 2021

Attendance: 7; Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Tom
Rusert, Ashley Digati, Dave Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee
Treasurers Report: Motion by Tom R to accept the treasurers report 2
Nd by Lion Dave, all in favor.
Ideas: We need a community event. Food collection for the GI
Neighbors foundation. Lion Tom D and Lion Dick will work on an
event at Mallwitz for a Turkey/food drive/gift card to benefit the GI
Neighbors foundation on 11/17.
Charter Night for the new club in Niagara Falls Community Lions Lion
Tom can not attend but would like to encourage any members of the
club to attend on November 5, 2021. Lion Dave will put this in the
newsletter and send out an email to club members, $50/person.
Bottle Junction: A direct deposit has been set up.
Loan Closet: We may be moving to a different location; many items
have been given out. Facebook social media shares have helped promote
the loan closet.
Split club: Lion Tom W $4 in the split club it rolls over to next meeting.
Next meeting: Community center; guest speaker Kathy Spillman from
Journey’s End. Dinner will be pot luck, sign up to bring something if
you are coming.
Tail Twister: Ashley; questions about “bowling”.
Lion Tom R, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Dave C adjourned.
7:50 PM.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 27, 2021

Attendance: 12; Kim Pressley, Paul Bassette, Kelly McGarvey, Dick
Crawford, Anne Ryan, Jim Ryan, Tom Rusert, Tom Digati, Dave
Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee, Kathy Spillman and Ahmad Rashid from
Journey’s End
PM. Pledge led by Lion Kim, Song: Lion Dick, Lions Prayer, Lion Paul
Treasurers Report: Tom Witkowski All members received a copy of
the report via email.
Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Donna, seconded by Lion
Dave, motion passed.
Correspondence: Lion Kim: We received a patch for a $50/member
average banner patch. Brandel Murphy raffle tickets; $20/ticket or 6 for
$100. We received 12 tickets. The club has this budgeted, for some or
all of these tickets, however, members can also purchase individual
tickets, see Lion Tom Witkowski if interested.
GI Neighbors Foundation turkey drive: On 11/17 we will have our
meeting at Mallwitz Bowling Alley to collect turkeys for the GI
neighbors foundation from 6-8 PM. With a donated turkey community
members will enjoy a game of bowling for $3 donated by
the GI Lions Club.
Guest Speakers: Kathy Spillman and Ahmad Rashid from Journey’s
End resettlement.
Kathy Spillman provided background information on Journey’s
End a refugee resettlement organization that began in the late
1970’s as a faith-based refugee resettlement. There are 82 million
displayed people in the world. There are 50 people on staff
and over 250 community volunteers. Services vary from tutoring,
setting up apartments, 3-6 months case work management, help
with employment, Urban farm, Women’s empowerment and mentoring
to name a few.
Ahmad Rashid: Ahmad shared his family’s story of resettlement
from Afghanistan. The process of application, flight, education
struggles and resettlement in Buffalo on the west side. His father
was a physician but jobs in the US are difficult to come by. Ahmad
has been very successful in college and in life. He attributes some
of his success to the support of Journey’s End.
Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly: DECA thank you for the
school backpack fund drive. Thank you from a community person
for a walker, donation of $100. A second thank you for the equipment
from the loan closet $250, canes, etc. Elaine Rubach. Hopeful
ways asking for a donation, this may be in the budget we will
forward this to Lion Tom W. Tickets from NYS Bermuda Lions
Foundation, this is in the budget. This allows us to award an Uplinger
Charter Night for the new club in Niagara Falls Community Lions
Lion Tom can not attend but would like to encourage any members
of the club to attend on November 5, 2021. Lion Dave will
put this in the newsletter and send out an email to club members,
Peace Poster: Lion Paul Bassette: Peace poster contest was
extended and Lion Paul will need judges from the club.
Christmas party: December 8, Lion Kelly coordinating the games
and entertainment. We need to decide to where; Lion Kelly will
call the BLC, 773 North and Eldens.
MOW: Lion Tom: dates 11/5 and 11/19, help is needed.
New Business: from cabinet meeting
January 12 - Community Center
February 23 – Mallwitz Valentines Party
March 9 - Community Center
April 13 – Community Center
April 25 - Spaghetti Dinner
May 11 - Community Center
May 25 - Peace Poster BLC
June 8 – Installation Dinner
Lion Tom R, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Dave C adjourned.
8:45 PM.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Christmas Dinner
December 8, 2021

Attendance: 21; Paul Bassette, Judy Bassette, Tom
Butler, Peggy Butler, Jim Ryan, Kelly McGarvey, Jim
McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Marla Crawford, Tom Rusert,
Peggy Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Diana Witkowski, Dave
Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee, Sheila Ferrentino,
DG Specer Vail, Karen Vail, Zone chair Paul
Smith and PDG Donna Smith.
PM. Pledge led by Lion Donna, Song: Lion Tom, Lions
Prayer, Lion Paul B
Introduction of guests: Lion Tom W DG Spencer Vail
and wife Karen Vail and 2 Zone Chair Paul Smith and
wife PDG Donna Smith.
Guest Speaker: DG Spencer Vail addressed the group
and shared his vision for the year. DG Vail distributed
Service Chevron awards to: Donna Lavallee;15 years,
Dave Chervinsky; 20 years, Bob Christman; 35 years.
Treasurers Report: Tom Witkowski All members received
a copy of the report via email.
Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Donna, seconded
by Lion Dave, motion passed.
Correspondence: Lion Kim: We received a patch for a
$50/member average banner patch. Brandel Murphy
raffle tickets; $20/ticket or 6 for $100. We received 12
tickets. The club has this budgeted, for some or all of
these tickets, however, members can also purchase
individual tickets, see Lion Tom Witkowski if interested.
GI Neighbors Foundation turkey drive: 17 turkeys were
collected and given to the GI Neighbors Foundation.
Lion Kelly: Led the club in Christmas games and fun!
New Business: from cabinet meeting
January 12 - Community Center
February 23 – Mallwitz Valentines Party
March 9 - Community Center
April 13 – Community Center
April 25 - Spaghetti Dinner
May 11 - Community Center
May 25 - Peace Poster BLC
June 8 – Installation Dinner
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

